Portrait von Georg Schmid

Georg Schmid

Historian and Author


New this August

Gleichmut. Novel.

The title refers to something that can be expressed by serenity, stoicism, or equanimity. The novel is set in Vienna, its principal protagonist is a psychoanalyst, Ernst Laehrte. Yet, the narrative threads go far beyond him. There is a multitude of themes and motives, reaching from political meditations to a disquieting espionage affaire.
At the basis of the novel is Stephen Hawking’s assumption that there could be a plurality of universes. This novel propounds that, in a parallel universe, Old Austria could have become the Confoederatio Austriaca, based on multicultural, multiethnic and plurilingual principles. There would have been no WW I, hence no WW II, and no Shoah. The dominance of the centralized nation state would have been avoided.
The doctor is deeply implanted in his family which is running an economic consultancy and thus trying to figure out what might happen in the socio-economic arena in the future; in his medical practice he attempts to do something similar for the past by trying to fathom what the origins of his patients‘ ailments could be. The entire family strongly believes in prosperity as a necessary basis for progress and assumes that mental illnesses, one way or another, are caused by social factors.
Vienna, the major backdrop of the novel, is subtly different from the actual city of that name; much of the narrative tension is built on the puzzle what actually is different between the two. There are several other components, from musical performances by the family via allusions to the US road movie, dining and wining (the epiculrean Viennese!), but also discussions of angst. But the leading motive is Carpe diem. However, to achieve that vital principle, constant input and effort is required. At any rate, it can be said "a (somehwat) better world could be possible."


Born in Vienna in 1944, he went to school there, studied history, philosophy and philology first at the University of Vienna, lateron in Salzburg and at the University of Kansas where he subsequently also taught, as well as at the University of Western Illinois and in Paris (Paris 8 Vincennes à St. Denis) but mainly at the University of Salzburg.
Dr. phil., Habilitation “Allgemeine Geschichte der Neuzeit” in 1979.
Bad health forced him to give up his university position prematurely but he went on publishing, giving occasional seminars and looking after dissertations. He now lives in southwestern France.

The main areas of his research and expertise are:

    Theory and philosophy of history
    Contemporary political and economic history
    Public transport

Curriculum vitae



  • Doderer lesen. Zu einer historischen Theorie der literarischen Praxis. Salzburg: Neugebauer 1978.
  • Die Figuren des Kaleidoskops. Über Geschichte(n) in Film. Salzburg: Neugebauer 1983.
  • Die Zeichen der Historie. Beiträge zu einer semiologischen Geschichtswissenschaft. Wien und Köln: Böhlau 1986.
  • Die Spur und die Trasse. (Post-)Moderne Wegmarken der Geschichtswissenschaft. Wien und Köln: Böhlau 1988.
  • Erinnerung und Vision. Die Legitimation Österreichs in Bildern. Eine semiohistorische Analyse der Austria-Wochenschau 1949-1960. Graz: Akademische Druck- und Verlagsanstalt 1990 (gem. mit Hans Petschar).
  • Österreich und Deutschlands Grösse. Ein schlampiges Verhältnis. Salzburg: Otto Müller 1990 (gem. mit Gernot Heiss und Oliver Rathkolb).
  • Bewegung und Beharrung. Transport und Transportsysteme in Österreich 1918- 1938. Eisenbahn, Automobil, Tramway. Wien, Köln, Weimar: Böhlau 1994 (gem. mit Hans Lindenbaum und Peter Staudacher).
  • Die Geschichtsfalle. Über Bilder, Einbildungen und Geschichtsbilder. Wien, Köln, Weimar: Böhlau 2000.
  • Freud/Film oder das Kino als Kur. Wien: Sonderzahl 2006.
  • The Narrative of the Occident. An Essay on Its Present State. Frankfurt etc.: Lang 2009.
  • In the Presence of the Future. Mapping the Roads to Tomorrow. Frankfurt etc.: Lang 2012.
  • The Mind Screen. Identification and Its Cinematic Arena. Frankfurt: Lang 2016.
  • Thoughts on Things Forgotten. Recharging the Collective Memory Banks. Frankfurt etc. : Lang 2018 (gem. mit Sigrid Schmid-Bortenschlager).

Literary Books

  • Roman trouvé. Darmstadt: Luchterhand 1978. (Finalist beim Robert Walser Preis)
  • Der Friedhof der Namenlosen. Reinbek: Rowohlt 1982.
  • Nature morte. Salzburg: Otto Müller 1992.
  • Das Auge des Taifuns. Salzburg: Otto Müller 1995. (Buchprämie des BMUK)
  • Wege ins Nichts. Salzburg: Otto Müller 1996.

Art Books

  • Köpfe - Gefährte - Wagnisse. Skulpturen und Bilder von Wolfgang Götzinger. Wien. 1983.
  • Das gefundene Auge. Ralph Werner. Essays von G.S. Salzburg 1984.
  • Wolfgang Götzinger. Ausflüge in die verborgenen Zonen. Katalog zur Austellung Schwaz 2008.
  • Die Künstlerfamilie Götzinger. Heimatblätter. Schwazer Kulturzeitschrift 78 (Oktober 2015).

as Editor

  • Zeichen und Bilder der Geschichte. Doppelheft Zeitgeschichte l989.
  • Zeitschrift Photographie und Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift für photographische Imagologie. Wien 1989.
  • Reihe Nachbarschaften. Humanwissenschaftliche Studien (NHS) im Böhlau- Verlag, Wien, Köln, Weimar, gemeinsam mit Sigrid Schmid-Bortenschlager)

Literary Texts in Journals and Anthologies
